MIII Leadership
M III Leadership Enterprises is a company that specializes in developing high performing individuals, teams and cultures through teaching strategic relationship management practices. The M III Leadership Model is a series of values, concepts and behaviors that present a framework for how high performing teams work together effectively. Our methodology is deeply rooted in personal experiences combined with what we know to be true about leadership tactics and human behavior.
M III Leadership Deliverables:
People Development Training
High Performance Culture Development
Executive Coaching &nd Performance Enhancement
Myers Briggs Workshops
Team Building
High performance workshops
Your personal and professional relationships mean everything to your success...Who can you become for others?
Our Mission here at M III Leadership is to create High Performing Individuals, Teams and Cultures through strategic relationship management.
The Genesis of Philosophy and Strategy
The Genesis of M III Leadership Enterprises' philosophy came from Founder, Edward A. Meagher, who experienced first hand, through his corporate tenure with PepsiCo, that even the smartest person in the room i.e. - the candidate with the outstanding resume and various degrees from prominent colleges and universities, didn't necessarily make them leaders or team plyers. Meagher managed “a search for the country's best and brightest business school graduates”. The purpose was to hire these young "intellectual" recruits and have them grow through the THEN "Pepsi Culture" to potentially become presidents of the new brands the company was acquiring. When many of these executives filed in their leadership roles, through several recruitment attempts, it became obvious that people needed to be coached on how to be effective leaders and to mange others in order to be successful.
Our Solution
COACHING - Leadership is not intuitive for most people. We arent born with “group survival skills”. We are taught from the time we enter school - early in our development, and throughout the course of our educational careers, that we are rewarded with grades based on individual performance. Therefore , working on a team/as a team is not innate in humans. Thus, leadership must be taught, behavior must be understood, &nd relationships must be managed at every level.